Well, today was the end of Chapter One in my journey through breast cancer to wellness. Got the results of my PET Scan, but not the PEM Scan yet...so here goes....
It never ceases to amaze me that something unrelated will always come forward in a test. It appears that I also have "Hashimoto's thyroiditis, or in other words, Hypo-thyroidism. A condition that explains why I'm tired a lot, feel sad for no reason, can't lose weight no matter what I do or eat, and also the possible reason I have/had heavy menstrual cycles (sorry guys, it's a girl thing). So I'll have to hold that thought for now until I get through the whole breast cancer thing. I also have tendonitis in the right hip. Yep, knew it was something. Also have some bone loss in C6 and C7 ~ Duh! That explains my between the shoulder blades pain. I always thought it was the Knife in my back by my enemies. My neck, "Ol' Sparky", yes, I enjoy giving names to my physical problems. Get over it. Ol' Sparky has been an old frenemy for years. Other than that, I'm really healthy! Doesn't sound like it, but I am, really.
I had my MRI breast biopsy this morning and it went really well. I know I'm always singing the praises of MDR here in NYC, but seriously, they deserve the praise. I have never known a group to be so full of love and compassion. A tech held my hand and gently rubbed my back during the procedure. Honestly! who does that? MDR DOES! We laughed we hugged, we hoped to never see each other again for a while...I will miss them so much. Go get your mammograms there. You will not be let down. Dr Scheer is the best. She doesn't let a single thing slide and it has made all the difference.
I don't mean to be down, so don't take it that way, but the spot (Lumpy, Jr.) was there, again, so it can't be ignored, and the biopsy was taken which was done in one attempt. Gotta love that! But the chances that it is not cancer, are slim to next to none. So I may be speaking too soon, and no one would love it better if I were wrong, but I'm thinking it is a spread, so I'll have to say goodbye to the whole right breast. Don't be sad! I'm not. It's just good to know that the decision has pretty much been taken out of my hands. The discussion that remains then, is should both come off? I just want to be well, so I'm okay with it. This way I avoid radiation, and only have to deal with chemo. One less thing = good.
I met my shoulder surgeon today and it looks good for my lypoma as far as being able to get it out without complications. So we discussed all the highs and lows of the surgery, risks, what ifs, so on, and then talked about the surgery date. so it's looking like 9/21, Monday. I just have to confirm this tomorrow morning with Dr. Axelrod's scheduler.
Next Chapter will begin anon. I have to get my mom here from AZ and Ed off to Albany. Do all the pre-surgical tests, EKG, Chest xray, blood work up. Then do my power of attorney, medical proxy, living will, etc. all while trying to do the paperwork for our house, payroll, tax stuff, help with homework, and oh yeah, live my life!
Surgery is scary but not too much, the idea of getting rid of the cancer is such an awesome idea, that I can't wait to get it done. It is a positive in my life, a move in the right direction, a way to my ideal health. I still need to work on patience, I would do this tomorrow if given the chance. I'm chomping at the bit.
I look to the future with great hope. I watched President Obama speak to Congress tonight and cried full of joy and hope. The idea of no set lifetime limits for someone like my daughter who will reach lifetime well before she is my age now, thrills me to no end. She didn't ask for her problems, anymore than I asked to get cancer, nor anyone else with life threatening disease. So why should there be a limit on the amount of care you receive? I hope that Congress isn't just blowing smoke, and they are really ready to sit down, quit throwing sand at each other and pass a bill that helps US! The people, the young the old, the rich the poor, and tells the Insurance companies to quit squeezing the last drop of blood from our bank accounts.
I live for today, and today was good enough.
Love and Light
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