Week 3 of Chemo is the best week. The drugs have long worn off, the side effects have ebbed, and my energy has been restored. Yesterday was my P/T and I got new exercises, and Lauren is happy with my progress. I called Ed after P/T only to find out that he forgot to get Ian lunch while Ian was in his rehearsal for the showcase he is doing, and since I'm out I elect to get him lunch. One snag, I am on the Eastside of Manhattan, by the River and Ian is on the Westside by the Hudson River. So off I hike to Midtown and take a train up to 49th St and then hike the rest of the way. I get lunch for Ian, meet him then return him to school, and head for home. That added trip wiped me out. So exhausted climbing the steps from the subway my legs ached with lactic acid. The bag of food I'm carrying feels like a lead weight. I call Ed and ask him to meet me, and I'm only 6 blocks from home, but the idea of carrying the bag is too much for me. Energy zapped, I slowly walk up the Avenue, and Ed meets me just two blocks from home. I thought I'd sleep once I got upstairs but even that was hard. So I sat and stared at the TV and took in nothing. The plan of doing laundry, gone. The plan of preparing Sarah's part of the room, didn't happen. Just a blob on the couch the rest of the day. Finally, the bed called me and I answered. Sleep came and I woke in the morning ready to face the world.
Today was a day full of energy. I felt great! Ready for jazz class, and happy to see that the day was going to be spectacular. Class was, as always, great fun. It's always a pleasure to dance with Luigi. I wore all black and donned my red silk scarf on my head, very Luigi. My dear friends there to support me, and welcome me back even if it's just for the week. Then the nicest surprise, Curtis came to class. I haven't seen him in soooo long. A talented young man who I love to watch dance. He has such great spirit. A great combination, good friends, amazing talent, and Luigi. It doesn't get better than that. Trust me. The class is my best medicine.
So I returned home today, with a full appetite and loads of energy. But when the energy goes, it goes quickly and completely. So as I type this out with my weary fingers begging for bed, I'm remind myself what a great day I had. Three full days of Great. I intend to enjoy each and every day before next Tuesday's chemo treatment. My daughter will be here in 5 days, and that is the best medicine of all. A hug and a kiss from my beautiful girl. A week of seeing her every day.
Life is good, and I won't forget it.
Light and Love!
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