As we begin 2010 it looks to be a wonderful year. My beloved Huskers didn't just win their Bowl Game, they routed Arizona. I love my Black Shirts, and the Offense came to life and played like the Huskers they were meant to be. GO BIG RED!!!! THANK YOU!!!!
I had a scare with a swollen lymph gland in my right neck before the New Year, and went to the doctor to get it checked out. The diagnosis, virus, ride it out. Better safe than sorry. So I went back to bed and opted to not go to Luigi for the rest of the year. Well, that proves that 2009 was a crappy year. I didn't get to dance in the third week of Chemo #4, and this is sad.
The New Year's Eve party at Cheryl and Burt's house was in question, but I rose to the occasion and felt better by the 31st, and brought in the New Year with good friends, much dancing (can't keep me from it, no matter what, I'll find a way to dance), yummy food, and lots of laughter. Cheryl is finished with her chemo, and she looks great! This makes me so happy. She is a warrior in this battle against breast cancer, and a role model for the rest of us. Our joy at making it through is what carries us. The bummer, no alcohol for me, Sparkling cider with kids, as the champagne flowed, but soon, I'll celebrate my New Year and I'll toast with champagne my victory of making it through chemo. So we danced the night away, I even Krumped, the kids thought I was crazy. I wore my new blonde wig, and got lots of compliments, and boy are those wigs hot! Especially when you're dancing like a fool. Horns, confetti, cheers, and kisses at Midnight, and soon we were on our way home to sleep in.
The morning came and I, as usual, rose before everyone else. So I chanted quietly and then headed up to the Center to meet Rose and bring in the New Year. What a wonderful service, full of dance (yeah! dance), much encouragement, with amazing experiences, and some super charged energy. I declared that 2010 will be my best year yet. I know that with each day it will only get better and better. By the end of January I will be done pumping poison into my body. Soon after I will do my radiation and that will only last 3 weeks, and then I only have to take the Herceptin for the rest of the year. I can handle that. My hair is coming back, and even though I'll have more hair loss over the next two chemo treatments, it's coming back. The Winter of my soul is coming to an end, and Spring is right around the corner, and I will spring forth like the crocus with vibrant color against the winter thaw.
I still have my virus, stubborn little bugger, but I'm fighting hard against it. I will win, and even if I don't feel that great, I'm happy, really happy. I don't have any money, I don't have new clothing, but what I do have is far far better than either of those two things. I have great friends, a loving family, and myself. Life is good.
So bring on 2010, bring the riches, the good fortune, the joy. I'm ready to receive it all.
My wish for all of you is to have a very healthy, wealthy, happy New Year, full of love, peace, and happiness. Don't sweat the small stuff, and act as if all the big stuff is small stuff. Keep your sense of humor, don't forget to say I love you, and most important of all, be kind to yourself. Life is short, live it, don't waste it with negative thoughts and worry. If an obstacle pops up in your path, you're smart, find a way around it, over it, or through it. Don't be too proud to ask for help, and always give a helping hand when you can. Remember without adversity how can you truly appreciate when things go well for you? Set your Goals not just where you know you can reach them, set them to the impossible setting and go for it, because nothing is impossible when you set your mind to getting it done. Dream big!
Thank you all for your support and love, it means the world to me. I love you all.
Happy New Year!
Light and Love!
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