Cathy, Me, Joaquin, Viviana

Cathy, Me, Joaquin, Viviana
We Did It!

The World of Color

The World of Color
Such a perfect day with Ian

Athol Training Walk

Athol Training Walk
Hot Day, Long walk

Birthday Fundraiser

Birthday Fundraiser
Me and the Avon Team


ME and my new HER2 + Gal Pals

Avon Walk Expo

Avon Walk Expo

Last Surgery

Last Surgery
Port Removal

On to the healing

On to the healing

Ringing the bell

Ringing the bell

Chemo #6 the last chemo treatment

Chemo #6 the last chemo treatment

Chemo #5

Chemo #5
5 down, 1 to GO!

New Years 2010

New Years 2010
Me and Cheryl Breast Cancer Vixens!

Chemo #4

Chemo #4
4 down, 2 to go

Chemo #3

Chemo #3
3 down 3 to go

Thursday, October 8, 2009


October 8, 2009 Thursday

Soap box time. Don't read it if you don't want to hear it. Last night my mom and I went to St. Ignatius Loyola Church to watch my dear friend from College, Kent Tritle, the esteemed conductor and musical director conduct the most awe inspiring concert of sacred music. To walk into the church is to know that God exists. We got to sit in the "Preferred Seating" right up front. I have connections in high places. OOH! I am so special. As we sat there waiting for the program to begin, I told my mom that we sit in the heart of Kent. This is going to be a very special moment in time. And it was. I always knew that Kent was going to do spectacular things with his life, I just failed to realize the scope. I sat in wonder as I watched this uber-talented man pull from the choir and the orchestra the meaning of spirit. The Church echoed with perfection and the audience sat in complete rapture. There really is a God. God was present last night, and through the hands of one of the most compassionate men I know. If only music could really cure all ills. This was chemo without the horrid side-effects. I can't stop thinking about what I witnessed last night. To sit there and let the music wash over me, go through me, I could feel its healing power. After the program, I went up to thank Kent, and was met with a huge hug and many words of thanks and welcome back and forth, back and forth. I don't get to see Kent very often but when we do see each other it's as if no time has passed. I'm so lucky to have this man in my life, even if it's just rarely. It's like getting to wear Harry Winston jewelry for the Red Carpet. Thank you Kent for making me feel alive. I got to go backstage to see Arthur, who soloed with his cello. Another incredible man, whom I adore. They are the best partners. To watch Arthur play is to watch Arthur become the cello. Every fiber of his being was cello. A talented man with the ability to touch your very soul. Then the cherry on top. Arthur has been called up on the list at my Apartment complex. I so hope that he can get into the Complex. To get an apartment in my building, selfishly so, just so I can hear his cello when he practices.

So,needless to say, mom and I headed home high on Sacred music, and then I turned on the TV to watch Keith Olbermann's special comment on Health Care Reform. This is the smartest man on Television. Who but Keith can put things so simply. He is well thought out, well researched, and draws from the past to parallel the present. Last night, Keith presented his own story. His father who is ill, and if not for the fact that Keith makes bucket loads of money, his father wouldn't have gotten the level of care he's gotten. The comment went on about how unfair it is that the rich can afford the best, while the rest of those without insurance have a 40% chance higher risk of dying from preventable, treatable illness. It sounds so ridiculous. But it's true. Since when have we become a Nation of "ignore your fellow man"? If Christianity is the major religion in this Nation, why don't we practice what we preach? I'm lucky, we have insurance, however, that said, It is killing us financially just to meet premiums, deductibles, and out-of-pocket. I spoke about this earlier so I won't regurgitate the details once again. But what happens if we lose our insurance for lack of work? What happens when Ed needs his knees replaced? Ed donates his kidney to Sarah? What then? We didn't ask for these issues. It is unfortunate that it all seems to be coming together at one moment in time. The debt is only just beginning to pile up, and yet, as hard as I try to not look forward, I can't help but see the Dump Truck with the bed of Bills ready to bury me alive. And as I watched the Keith Olbermann Show I began to get angry, angry for the people who can't afford insurance. I became grateful for the insurance I have, at least I have insurance. I'm not Tiny Tim just yet. But as Keith recounted his father's experience, my heart broke. A man too proud to ask for help, that he let himself sit there for 24 hours before realizing he was in desperate need of help. His father almost died because he couldn't get up to walk to the bathroom. He couldn't pee and no one was there to help him, so his kidneys shut down because this poor man didn't pee for 24 hours. And as Keith walked out of the hospital he met an old friend whose daughter is in ICU so very ill, and the man tells Keith that he has to sell his farm, and we all know why he does. A child's life is on the line, and a father who can't afford insurance has to sell his livelihood to pay the bills. WE NEED HEALTH CARE REFORM, WE NEED PUBLIC OPTION. Without it we become an insular society. A great divide between the HAVES and the HAVE NOTS. With the advances in medicine and technology why do we have such a high mortality rate? Because Insurance companies are greedy and miserly. God forbid everyone should have available to them an affordable insurance plan. God forbid people get tested for kidney donation without fear of uncovering an underlying condition. Who did we put into office? Does Congress just not get it? We elected them to protect us, protect our parents, protect our children. It seems so absurd that the Right is more concerned about the unborn child than the elder citizen who gave to our Nation, was productive and made this a better place to live. The Right is more concerned with the unborn child than the children that are here, present, trying to grow up with parents who fear their babies won't get insurance when they leave the protection of the nest. We need to care for those who are already here. The need is great. The want is overwhelming. The stench of death is everywhere people. Do you not care? Does it take a disaster to wake up our Nation. Only when something horrible happens, do we come together to solve a problem; take care of each other? No, Wait! It depends on the crisis. Terrorists, yes, we come together to do whatever it takes, but the Health Care Crisis we are in, the Hostage Takers known as Insurance Companies, no, they are just Capitalists, so it's okay to deny that man services. To drop him like a hot potato when he falls ill with a life-threatening disease. To deny him coverage because his big heart got him into trouble because he was tested to donate a kidney in life and found an underlying condition, therefore making it a pre-existing condition. It breaks my heart. Am I the only bleeding heart here? Call your Congressmen, your Senators. Let them know we CANNOT except the crap that is going on in D.C. We sent them there to protect us. DO YOUR JOB!

So back to the top of my blog. If only music could truly cure illness.

Love and Light!

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